The library subscribes to several online databases, so that you can search them for free. Find information on consumer products, help with schoolwork and research, legal forms, auto repair manuals, genealogy tools, newspaper and magazine articles and more.
Online VA Benefits Eligibility, Community Resources, Job Assistance & Academic Tutoring for Veterans and Their Families
Brainfuse VetNow supports veterans and their families with navigating the VA bureaucracy, providing academic tutoring, and employment transition assistance. With carefully scrutinized resources and rigorously screened navigator, Brainfuse ensures veterans get the help they need, when they need it. VetNow is accessible by any computer or mobile device with a web browser.
- Answer questions related to benefit eligibility
- Refer patrons to applicable community resources for housing, healthcare and education benefits
- Assist patrons with locating accredited claims agents
Job Tools
- Use the career resources to discover their best career fit based on education, experience, and personality
- Search for a job with nationwide and local resources
- Download template for the most common resume types
- Receive resume and cover letter assistance from trained experts
- Brush up on interview techniques or get live online interview practice from trained job coaches
College Skills
Users build academic skills and prepare for college with VetNow’s array of tools, including:
- Interaction with live tutors in a wide range of college level subjects
- Live skills tutoring and an extensive library of lessons, video tutorials, and practice tests including SAT, ACT, TEAS, HESI, GRE, GMAT and more
- Live or asynchronous expert analysis of writing, complete with constructive comments
- Asynchronous 24/7 help with academic questions
- Live help for language learners
- Create and share flash cards, tests, and educational games
Digital Literacy is developed for teen learners with their unique learning styles and sensibilities in mind. Teen-friendly articles make digital literacy and cyber citizenship both readily comprehensible and highly engaging. Dynamic videos and relevant photos enhance and extend learning. Interactive activities prompt students to use real-world Web sites and software to create unique user-generated content including: podcasts, public service announcements, multimedia presentations, digital business plans, and dynamic articles.
Digital Literacy informs and inspires learners about key digital literacy and cyber citizenship topics including entrepreneurship and careers; communication, cyberbullying, and safety; privacy and ethics; research skills and tools for the digital age; social networking; and gaming.
eBooks on EBSCOHost: Search EBSCOhost’s extensive collection of eBooks and download to your computer or eReader. To download books, you must first create an account from a library computer.
With a collection of over 33,000 titles chosen specifically for public libraries, this general reference collection features fiction titles for both adults and juveniles, as well as best-selling and highly-recommended titles from industry leading publishers.
A wide range of subjects and topics are covered to meet various patron research needs, including substantial offerings in Self-Help, Health & Fitness, Games, Crafts & Hobbies, Medical, Cooking and Religion. This collection also features titles on Recreation and Leisure, Geography, Commerce, Finance, The Family, Marriage, Women, Folklore, Social and Public Welfare, and Home Economics.
EBSCO: offers a broad range of full text and bibliographic databases designed for research. Subject areas include: academic, biomedical, government, school, and corporate libraries.
Use your RPL Library Card number to access from anywhere.
- Quick Search — Search popular magazines and newspapers in MasterFile Premier and Newspaper Source.
- Book Collection: Nonfiction — Full-text books for kids and young adults.
- Alphabetical List of Resources — Choose and Search ALL resources from an alphabetical list.
- Resources by Subject — Choose and search ALL resources from a subject list.
- Academic Search Elite — Peer reviewed journals for Academics and college bound students.
- Professional Developement Collection — Education related materials to support teacher PD.
- Searchasaurus — Age appropriate articles for K – 2nd grade homework help.
- Kids Search — Age appropriate research materials for elementary and middle school students.
- Student Research Center — Research materials for middle and high school students.

Consumer Health Complete — Covering all areas of health & wellness from mainstream to alternative.

Read It—A Recourse for English Language Learners.

Science Reference Center — Teacher and student resources for all science research needs.
ePermitTest: Start building your knowledge of road rules and road signs, with this Missouri DMV practice permit test. The quiz is free to use and includes study aids, which means you do not need an excellent understanding of road signs and road rules to begin working on it. We have built the Missouri permit practice test to teach you about essential driver’s ed subjects and show you what the questions on the real permit test will be like. Every first-time driver in the state can use this 2021 practice permit test, as the DMV permit test MO exam is conducted the same way at exam centers in St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield and elsewhere in the state. You do not have to sign up or set aside too much time to work on our Missouri practice permit test, as it takes roughly five minutes and is activated simply by hitting the ‘start’ button on this page!
Explora Public Libraries provides easy-to-use features and reliable content from the world’s leading magazines and reference books, grouped into easy-to-browse categories. Explora provides research collections on thousands of topics to help them find the information they need quickly and easily. You can search hundreds of professional journals, popular magazines, reference books, images, primary sources, and more by keyword or by topic.
Research Made Easy with Explora from EBSCO on Vimeo.
FamilySearch is a comprehensive resource designed to assist individuals in researching their family history and genealogical connections. It offers access to a vast collection of records, including birth, marriage, death, census, and military documents. Users can search for ancestors, explore family trees, and connect with other researchers. The site also provides tools and resources for building and managing family trees, along with educational materials to help users understand and navigate genealogical research.
Financial Literacy features a straightforward, easy-to-navigate interface. Teen-friendly articles make economics and personal finance both readily comprehensible and highly engaging. Dynamic videos and relevant photos enhance and extend learning. Financial tools and interactive calculators give teens hands-on practice in financial computation for real-world situations.
Financial Literacy informs and inspires learners about key economics and financial topics including entrepreneurship and career skills; money and personal finance; the role of government in financial and economic policy; trade and global economy; and market economy.
HeritageQuest® Online: is a comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources — rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids. It delivers an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources—with coverage dating back to the 1700s—that can help people find their ancestors and discover a place’s past.
Use your RPL account number to access from anywhere.
- Search Census — Find ancestors in the complete set of US Federal Census images from 1790-1940, including name indexes for may years.
- Search Books — Find information on people and places described in over 28,000 family and local histories.
- Search PERSI™ Archive — Find information about people and places from this index of over 2.3 million genealogy and local history articles (1800-2009).
- Search Revolutionary War — Search selected records from Revolutionary War Era Pension & Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files.
- Search Freedman’s Bank — Search for individuals in Freedman’s Bank (1865-1874), which was founded to serve African Americans.
- Search U.S. Serial Set — Search the Memorials, Petitions, and Private Relief Actions of the US Congress in the ProQuest™ U.S. Serial Set.
Whatever your goal, LearningExpress Library’s resources will help you succeed. Each of our Learning Centers offers the practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, eBooks, and information you need to achieve the results you want — at school, at work, or in life. Looking to land a job? You’ll find an entire Learning Center dedicated to helping you get the one that’s right for you.
Set up your account from a computer at the Rolla Public Library and then access from anywhere.
Teaching Books
Personalize and enjoy digital connections to books for kids and teens.
Need help from Teaching Books? See our support page. 800-596-0710 |
Teen Health & Wellness provides middle and high school students with nonjudgmental, straightforward, curricular and self-help support, aligned to state, national, and provincial standards. Topics include diseases, drugs and alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide and bullying, green living, LGBTQ issues, and more.
All content in Teen Health & Wellness is created for teens with their unique concerns and perspective in mind. Information throughout is presented using a sensitive, respectful, and age-appropriate approach. Teen-friendly articles makes complex topics understandable. They also give insight into the teen experience—crucial for parents, teachers, librarians, therapists, and others who are a part of teens’ lives and support them.
The State Historical Society of Missouri Digital Collection: The State Historical Society of Missouri Digital Collections provide online access to photographs, art, maps, diaries, letters, newspapers, books, articles, and oral histories telling the story of Missouri’s history, people, and culture.
Missouri Digital Newspaper Project: The State Historical Society of Missouri is pleased to present a growing collection of digitized historic newspapers. These images are freely available to the public and are keyword-searchable. Including the Rolla Weekly Herald 1869-1876 and the Rolla Herald 1877-1953.
Missouri Digital Heritage: More than 9 million records can be accessed through Missouri Ditital Heritage, including the collections of the Missouri State Archives, the Missouri State Library and other institutions from across the state.