Library programs and activities have first priority for use of meeting rooms. The Library meeting rooms will be available free of charge during normal library operating hours to nonprofit community groups and organizations sponsoring meetings and programs open to the general public provided the following policies are followed:
- Requests for use of the facility shall be made through the Library staff who will book on a first come, first serve basis no more than 30 days in advance. The Library reserves the right to approve or disapprove any application.
- The individual initiating the request for the meeting room will be considered the official representative of the group and will assume responsibility for communicating meeting room policies to the group. The official representative must sign a Meeting Room Policy Agreement Form at least 48 hours before the event.
- Meetings and programs must be open to anyone interested in attending. All meetings must be free and open to the public, except meetings legitimately closed per state statute. The meeting room is not available for commercial use or for profit motivated activities including, but not limited to, business purposes, garage sales, flea markets, etc.
- The group/person reserving the room is responsible for the preservation of order and cleanliness and will be responsible for any damage to library property or equipment. The reserver agrees to pay for the replacement or repair of any lost or damaged property occurring during the reserver’s use of the facility.
- Smoking is prohibited anywhere in the Library building. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be brought onto Library premises.
- Meetings must be over in sufficient time to clean-up and vacate the building before closing time.
- The Library will not assume responsibility for any materials left on the premises.
- If a member of the group or audience has a disability, it is the group’s responsibility to provide any necessary devices.
To request the meeting room fill out our online form here or download a printable meeting room request form click here.