Who is Eligible for a Library Card?
Rolla City Residents
Persons who reside or own property inside of the Rolla City limits qualify for a free library card.
Persons who reside outside of city limits may obtain a Non-Resident library card. The fee for Non-Resident card is $25.00 per year per household (this fee is waived for households who own real estate property inside of the Rolla City Limits).
The Non-Residency Library Card fee with be increasing from $20 to $25 starting September 1, 2024.
Only one card is allowed per individual.
How to Apply for a Library Card?
You must apply in person at the Rolla Public Library, located at 900 N. Pine Street.
Adults 18 and Older
To apply for a library card, adults aged 18 or older must fill out an application and present valid, government-issued photo identification and current proof of address.
Acceptable forms of photo identification include a driver’s license, state ID card, and US. military ID.

Acceptable proof of a current address is either a lease agreement, or an envelope, utility bill, or postcard with a recent (within last 60 days) postmark received at the address shown on the application.

Children under the age of 18
Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at the time of application. The child and parent or guardian must be present at the time of application. The parent or guardian must present valid, government-issued photo identification and current proof of address.
Library card privileges must be renewed every year.
As of 07/31/23 juvenile registration cards now have a section where parents or guardians can request reasonable restrictions on library material access for their child. Minors will be allowed checkouts from all areas of the library unless a parent has placed a particular restriction on their child’s library card.
Courtesy Cards
Adults with no permanent address but with an affiliation to Russell House or The Mission (or other similar charitable group homes within Rolla City Limits) may apply for a Courtesy Card.
To apply for a Courtesy Card adults aged 18 or older must fill out an application, present a valid, government-issued photo identification (This doesn’t have to be from Missouri), and a dated letter from their care organization/group home on the organization’s letterhead.
These cards are considered temporary and are only valid for 1 month. When the Courtesy Card expires, patrons must show a newly dated letter from their care organization/ group home in order to renew their account for another month.
Courtesy Cards have a check out limit of two library items at time and are not eligible for Interlibrary Loans or TechConnect items.
If items are left behind at the group home/ care organization, they can be returned directly to the library at 900 North Pine Street or the library will arrange pick up; just call 573-364-2604.
Group homes/care organizations will NOT be held financially responsible for non-returned items, but the library may contact these entities for help in tracking down delinquent items.
Non-Residency Fee Waivers
When allocated donation funds exist, there are non-residency fee waiver forms available at the library circulation desks for those facing economic hardship. This form requires basic information, a reason for applying as is approved on a case by case basis by the library director. Only non-residents who live in counties neighboring Phelps County are eligible for a fee waiver. These counties are Maries, Pulaski, Texas, Dent, Crawford and Gasconade.