Adopt a Shelf: Volunteer Program


Adopt a Shelf is a volunteer opportunity designed to ensure library materials are in order. With thousands of books in our collection, it is important we have items in the correct spot for patrons to find materials.

As a volunteer, you can “adopt” a specific section of the library, helping to keep it organized and tidy. We try to match volunteers with their favorite area! Volunteers commit to checking and organizing their section 1-2 times a month, with flexible scheduling set by the volunteer(s). Families, individuals and organizations are welcome to adopt a shelf. Volunteers will have their organization, family name or individual name noted by the shelf they have adopted.


  • Adopt a Shelf volunteers should be at least 13 years of age. Volunteers under the required age may work with another person of at least 16 years of age. (Families and organizations are welcome.)
  • Volunteers will be trained by library staff but should have general knowledge of how to file items in alphabetical or numerical order.
  • Volunteers should be able to commit to a 3 month adoption period and be willing to check on their shelf once per month.
  • Be comfortable lifting books as well as reaching top and bottom shelves.  Kneeling, crouching and bending are necessary.
  • Shelf management is done during regular library hours.


  • File items on the shelf in proper order.
  • Arrange items neatly on the shelf pulling them forward as necessary.
  • Dust shelves as needed.
  • Remove items out of place and provide them to a staff member or reshelf them.
  • Record volunteer time in the log provided.

*Staff assistance is available for help.

Training Day

  • Volunteers must attend one training day.
  • Training days will be held on the last Wednesday of the month from 5-6pm and the last Saturday of the month from 11am-12pm.

(PDF Form Here)

Learn to shelf training game: Shelve-It!

Sorting and Shelving Guide: Packet

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