To see the full downloadable PDF Meeting Room Policy click here.
To download the Meeting Room Request Form click here.
Meeting Room Policy
The Rolla Public Library (Library) welcomes the use of its meeting rooms (including its virtual meeting rooms) free of charge during normal library operating hours to nonprofit community groups and organizations whose applicant or member making the request is a City of Rolla, Missouri resident or a current library card holder, and the group is engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities, subjectto the requirements and conditions set for herein.
With the exception of use by Friends of the Public Library groups, a meeting room may not be used by an organization for commercial purposes, including but not limited to, for-profit business purposes, garage sales, flea markets, or educational classes for which a fee is charged. The meeting rooms may not be used for private social functions, such as weddings, memorial services, parties or other social events. No charges, fees, collections, or solicitations are allowed by organizations or individuals on Library property, except for Friends of the Public Library activities. All meetings must be free and open to the public, except meetings legitimately closed per state statute.
In accordance with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and its interpretation pertaining to meeting rooms, the Library’s meeting rooms will be made available “on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting the use”.
The use of a meeting room does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the Library of the views or beliefs of the users of the room and no claim to that effect or claim to Library sponsorship may be used, explicitly or implicitly, in advertising for meetings held in Library meeting rooms. Neither the name nor the address of the Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of any organization that uses a Library meeting room. All advertisements, announcements, flyers, etc., must clearly state that the meeting is not sponsored by the Rolla Public Library.
Users of the meeting rooms must abide by all local, state, and federal laws, ordinances, and regulations. Smoking is prohibited in the Library building. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be brought onto Library premises. The meeting rooms may not be used for any illegal activity as defined by federal, state or local government. The Library reserves the right to limit or prohibit any meeting that is a threat to health or safety of Library employees or patrons or that is disruptive of the normal quiet and peaceful operations, programs, and activities of the Library.
Any meeting involving youth under the age of 18 must have adequate adult supervision. Programs, activities, or meetings sponsored by the Library, or Friends of the Public Library, are given priority in the scheduling of the meeting rooms. Request for use of a meeting room shall be made to the Library Director who will book the rooms on a first come, first served basis no more than 30 days in advance. To make the room accessible to as many people as possible, the use of the rooms by an organization other than the Library or Friends of the Public Library is limited to one meeting per week. At the time of the scheduling of the meeting, an official representative of the group is required to review and sign the Rolla Library Meeting Room Policy Agreement Form in person or online.
Organizations using the meeting rooms must comply with all other Library policies, such as the Unattended Children, Smoking, and Unruly Patron policies. Group must not attach anything to the walls or ceiling of the meeting room.
All meetings must be over in sufficient time to clean-up and vacate the building before the Library closes. Virtual meetings must end ten minutes before closing time. Groups and individuals using the meeting rooms are responsible for basic clean-up and returning the room to order, including the removal of refuse. (Basic room setup is available from the Library staff if requested in advance.)
The Library is not responsibility for loss, theft, or damage of property of any individuals or groups using a meeting room. No equipment, materials, or supplies may be stored at the Library. The Library will not assume responsibility for any equipment, materials, or supplies left on Library premises.
Damages to Library premises, property, or equipment as a result of use of the meeting room will be charged to the organization and/or individuals responsible. Food and drink are permissible in the meeting rooms, but must be consumed in the meeting rooms. The use of the permanent electronic devices in the meeting rooms is permitted. If a group needs to use a projector or laptop, let the staff know at least 48 hours before meeting. For those projecting images in the Children’s Program Room, content must be suitable for all age groups when children are present.
In the instance of a virtual meeting, a Library staff member will be able to create an invitation with login information and will open the virtual meeting room for the group. Once the group leader arrives, host duties will be turned over to that individual. The host is expected to be familiar with the virtual conferencing platform. Online training resources will be provided by the Library upon request. The host can call Library staff at 573-364-2604 during the meeting for assistance.
Any group utilizing the meeting rooms is responsible for ensuring its compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
In the event of an emergency, the Library Director reserves the right to cancel meeting room reservations. In the event of severe weather, a group representative is responsible for listening to local radio stations or checking the Library’s website or social media accounts for closing announcements.
Failure to comply with Library policies or damage to the meeting room may result in denial of future requests to use the Library’s meeting rooms, financial liability for damages, and/or immediate removal from the meeting room.
For, and in consideration of, the use of the meeting room and Library facilities, any person, group, and organization using the same hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Library, its Board of Trustees, employees and agents, from and against any actions or lawsuits relating to the use of such rooms and facilities. In addition, such person, group, and organization agrees to reimburse the Library for any and all costs for repairs of any and all damage caused to the room and/or facilities.
If an organization is denied access to a meeting room, it may appeal the decision to the Library’s Board of Trustees. The appeal must be made in writing and be submitted to the President of the Rolla Public Library Board of Trustees at 900 N. Pine Street, Rolla, MO 65401. In the event an appeal is submitted to the Library’s Board of Trustees, the Board of Trustees will make a decision regarding the appeal and inform the organization that submitted the appeal in writing of its decision. The decision of the Board of Trustees is the final authority in granting or refusing use of the meeting room.
Adopted: __March 2021__