Public Internet Computers

We have 11 public internet computers available for your convenience.  Library card holders may log in at any available computer for up to 2 hours of use per day.  Guests may check in for a guest pass at the Circulation Desk for up to 2 hour of use.

The Library also has 2 catalog computers available to browse for library materials.  Feel free to ask the library staff at the circulation desks for information.


Computer Use Guidelines
The Rolla Public Library provides access to internet-enabled computers and devices as well as wireless internet as part of its commitment to meeting the informational needs of the community. The freedom of access to information is a fundamental right, but use of library equipment is a privilege. Users will respect the rights of
other computer users, Library patrons, and staff in keeping with general Library policies. Access to any public computers or devices may be revoked for failure to abide by the general Library policies, the rules listed in the Computer, Internet Access and Safety Policy, as well as those specified in the below guidelines.

All patrons wishing to use the public computers in the library must have a current Rolla Public Library card with no fines or receive a guest pass by showing a picture ID. Names will be checked for past fines in the library database before issuing a guest pass. (Exceptions may be made by library staff depending on circumstances.)
Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult when using the public internet-access computers. Parents and/or guardians are responsible for the online resources accessed by their minor children. Parents or guardians of a minor may request that their child’s card not have access to a library computer on the child’s library registration card.

Time Limit
There is a four hour a daytime limit for cardholders and a two hour a daytime limit for guest passes. These sessions may be extended upon request by library staff depending on circumstances.

There is a .25 charge for each page printed from the public computers, this includes b/w and color printing. Users may select the two-sided printing option but it will be charged as 2 separate pages.

Patron computers are located in public spaces. We ask users to be mindful and courteous of surrounding patrons of all ages. Headphones are available at each computer, and we require their use if patrons are accessing resources that utilize sound. Display of sexually explicit graphics or material that may be reasonably offensive to others is inappropriate for a public space and is prohibited. Library staff may request that users cease accessing resources that threaten the safe and comfortable environment of the library or interfere with the conduct of Library business.

Staff Assistance
Library staff members are available to troubleshoot basic problems but are generally not available for one-on one technology instruction and cannot give in-depth instruction on the use of the computers, software, or the internet. If users have the need for technology instruction, they should let the library staff know ahead of time,
if possible. There are many quality tutorial videos online to which we can direct them.

Failure by the user to comply with the Library’s Computer, Internet Access and Safety Policy, Computer Use Guidelines or misuse of any of the library’s networks, computers or devices may result in the loss of computer, network or device access privileges, potential loss of Library privileges, and possible criminal prosecution.

Printable Guidelines can be found here: Computer Use Guidelines

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